
Once an amiichan, now who am I?

Sharing moment

19 August 2009

Me and Diamonds

Do you know, I'm gonna meet two precious diamonds
in this month???
This 21st August!
It was so precious even I don't know whether I'm equal with it.
It was made by the hand of the Mujahadah
Fighting with everything that they had
To protect our Muslim states (The Palestine),
To protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Muslim's Property)
To protects the historical place since the prophethood
Importantly, to save our Deen
The colour was naturally red
as it was painted
the bloodshed of our Muslim brotherhood
It has strong look even the enemies were very much scared to grab it
Even if it brakes, the diamond will always have it
place where it is more beautiful than at Dunnia
For this diamond...
I want to feel the same touch so that I could have the same qualities
But I know my fight is here as different stones
Whatever I far away
Becoz we have same fikrah, me and them were very much related
[Thou... I can't help them very much]
So, may 4JJ1 grant my prayer to put
my diamond among side with theirs
Salamu'alaika ya mujahidun, 4JJ1 ma'a Na
Oh, talk about fighting physically
I almost forgot that
another diamond is on the way to my door
It was already send from thousand year back
and this beautiful gift decided to come again
So, I could have it and enjoy it.
Do you know which diamond??
Nothing that even is this world could be compare
....it called Ramadhan Mubarak
This diamond allows me to fight with inner/nafs
It say that this precious diamond could help us dieting the nafs
It says that the benefit of it, is like we wishes it for one whole years
It say that if you didn't appreciate it, is like you gonna regret for the rest of you life
It says that if you take it for granted, it will put you among those who're regretful
Here, I wish all the Muslim
No matter where you are...
No matter who become of...
No matter busy you are...
No matter different you are...
Appreciate this coming
[1st] Ramadhan [H] / 22th August M,
May this coming Ramadhan become most wonderful event
You never know which part of our 'amalan
blessed with His bless
But, take this oppurtunity to get/gain
the bless.
That why we say 'Try again'
and 'Never give up'